Children and teacher alike are tickled by the bouncing rhymes and comical drawings of I Lost My Sock. The clues are slyly embedded in the context. Children can relate to the hero's troubles and excitedly share their own past frustrations. This will be a well-worn favorite.
Linda Hartner Coffman, M.A.
Elementary and Preschool Teacher
Brighton, MI
My second grade class went wild over I Lost My Sock and If You See the Moon. I always let the kids take a picture walk first when I bring them new books. It’s hard to get the attention of seven and eight-year-olds. They were immediately involved with the pictures and couldn’t wait to read. To me, this is the sign of a great book—when kids become so engaged, they don’t even realize they’re learning. After we read the books, they were very animated and couldn’t stop talking about them. I downloaded the glossaries beforehand, so when they asked about a word, I was prepared. When the bell rang, we went to the technology center to play Sock Detective and Moon Toss. They were cracking up. We had a ball. Thank you, Wocto!
Tina Clark
Elementary School Teacher
Garden City Schools.
Garden City, MI
I Lost My Sock is super funny. When the sock jumped, it reminded me of me jumping off a slide. I'm going to go sock hunting later to find all my lost socks. I will be like a detective.
Benjamin A.
Age 6
Houghton, MI
I Lost My Sock is a wonderful, fanciful exploration of a practical problem, and the picture cues really support my six-year-old's emerging reading skills. He can even read it to his little brother. "Sock" is one my toddler's favorite words at the moment. Thanks so much!
Jen Roberts
High School English Teacher
San Diego, CA |